
The backup market is busy , you can easily find on premise hardware or connected cloud software to manage data storage, protection and accessibility. The caveat? It’s worth creating a backup strategy before committing IT budgets. Here’s why: With so many options available, it’s easy to overspend on services you don’t need to protect data you never use. While individual needs vary, incorporating common backup best practice can help streamline data protection efforts.

First, follow the 3-2-1 rule. That’s three backups across two different media types with at least one kept off-site. By diversifying both the location and storage method of backup data, companies can significantly reduce the risk of catastrophic loss. Also critical: Test, test, test. It doesn’t matter if you’re using in-house technology or working with a reputable backup provider, regular testing helps ensure data is being properly backed up and that backup solutions won’t fail under pressure.

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Using on-premises backup for cloud infrastructure has several clear advantages over trusting everything you own — and the protection of it — to a cloud vendor. For one thing, your industry sector or the jurisdiction you operate in may have certain legislative requirements that you retain a copy on premises of all of your important business data. If you’re a large business that’s been around for a while you also likely have already placed considerable investment into data storage hardware and software.


Cloud backup, is a strategy for sending a copy of a physical or virtual file or database to a secondary, off-site location for preservation in case of equipment failure or catastrophe. Implementing cloud data backup can help bolster an organization’s data protection strategy without increasing the workload of information technology (IT) staff. The labour-saving benefit may be significant and enough of a consideration to offset some of the additional costs associated with cloud backup, such as data transmission charges.


Cloud backup, is a strategy for sending a copy of a physical or virtual file or database to a secondary, off-site location for preservation in case of equipment failure or catastrophe. Implementing cloud data backup can help bolster an organization’s data protection strategy without increasing the workload of information technology (IT) staff. The labour-saving benefit may be significant and enough of a consideration to offset some of the additional costs associated with cloud backup, such as data transmission charges.