Get Back to the Job You Were Hired to Do

IT powers businesses. Simplyfy powers IT. Let us power yours

Businesses that have any kind of online presence, communicate with customers, or manage business partners via the Internet need IT management support. Instead of going at it alone or designating a non-technical team member to handle your IT, leverage our expertise, resources, and guidance.

Pass off day-to-day support

First and foremost, let’s get your IT defacto their time back. We know that day-to-day support requests can be a massive time suck.Instead, leverage our team of multiple support technicians who are able to handle these requests across your org with a response time of 10 minutes or less. Electric integrates seamlessly into your Slack workspace or Microsoft Teams tenantempowering your team members to reach out for support whenever they need it. Today, Electric supports 100’s users across multiple companies.

Your team can chat @Simplyfy for:

  • Day-to-day troubleshooting
  • SysAdmin support
  • Requests for access to files, apps, and hardware

First and foremost, let’s get your IT defacto their time back. We know that day-to-day support requests can be a massive time suck.Instead, leverage our team of multiple support technicians who are able to handle these requests across your org with a response time of 10 minutes or less. Electric integrates seamlessly into your Slack workspace or Microsoft Teams tenantempowering your team members to reach out for support whenever they need it. Today, Electric supports 100’s users across multiple companies.

Your team can chat @Simplyfy for:

  • Day-to-day troubleshooting
  • SysAdmin support
  • Requests for access to files, apps, and hardware

Establish & standardize processes

From manual on/offboarding spreadsheets to rouge password management, you may be “getting by”, but could use support and guidance when it comes to IT process standardization. Then there are things like security, compliance, and device/server/network management that you just don’t have time to think about or the technical knowledge in-house to address. Don’t wait for a cyber attack or sudden growth to seek out help.

Let Electric help to establish and/or streamline your:

  • On/offboarding management process
  • Device procurement and provisioning
  • Network and server selection, installation, & optimization
  • MDM setup and installation across your devices
  • Application provisioning and credential management
  • Cloud organization & policy configuration
  • Selection and implementation of 2FA or MFA, device-level security, & network standards

Learn more about our IT management capabilities >

Establish & standardize processes

From manual on/offboarding spreadsheets to rouge password management, you may be “getting by”, but could use support and guidance when it comes to IT process standardization. Then there are things like security, compliance, and device/server/network management that you just don’t have time to think about or the technical knowledge in-house to address. Don’t wait for a cyber attack or sudden growth to seek out help.

Let Electric help to establish and/or streamline your:

  • On/offboarding management process
  • Device procurement and provisioning
  • Network and server selection, installation, & optimization
  • MDM setup and installation across your devices
  • Application provisioning and credential management
  • Cloud organization & policy configuration
  • Selection and implementation of 2FA or MFA, device-level security, & network standards

Learn more about our IT management capabilities >

Gain visibility into your IT environment

Your IT environment should be easy to navigate, particularly when you have questions or need to report on what’s happening in it. The Electric Platform offers visibility into all aspects of your IT infrastructure, all in one place, including:

  • Support request volume by timeframe, type, and requestor
  • The status of open strategic IT projects with Electric
  • Credential configuration for applications
  • Department level provisioning profiles
  • Hardware details (servers, firewall, etc.)
  • On/offboarding history & request status
  • Device inventory & details (serial number, ram, etc.)